Securus can integrate with CPOMS to conveniently export captures to new tickets.
Request Integration
Log into CPOMS and navigate to Admin > Integrations.
Under the Securus option click on Integrate.
A new window will appear to explain what will happen next.
Tick the check box next to Please confirm the changes and that you are a Securus customer and click Integrate.
This will send an integration request to the Securus support team who will action the integration on your behalf.
Once completed you will see that the integration is active.
Enable Permissions for Securus Group
It may also be necessary to enable certain permission on the new Securus user group before the student lookup feature can work correctly.
Go to Admin > Users
On the left hand side, under Groups, find the Securus group and click it to edit the permissions.
Under System Permissions, ensure that all of the options are ticked, especially View Students List.
Click Save User Group once done.
Send a capture to CPOMS
Single click on a capture you wish to send to CPOMS to highlight it.
Then click on Export.
In the Format drop down option, select CPOMS.
New options will be presented.
Type in a first and lastname for the student and click on the search button.
Any matched names will appear in a list which can be selected.
If the names do not match an error message will be displayed.
Check the spelling and try the search again. The capture can also be sent to the CPOMS incident tray instead by selectin Export to CPOMS Incident Tray.
Once the user has been matched, enter a Summary and Description for the capture export and click Save to send the capture to the user’s CPOMS profile.
The capture can be viewed against the user’s profile under the Incidents tab.