Hub Overview
Securus Hub is a user portal where assigned contacts can view and manage escalated Grade 4 and 5 captures.
An email will be sent when a new event is created, providing a direct link to the escalated capture for viewing.
Example Email:

Clicking on the link will take you to the console where you will be asked to login with your provided credentials. If you do not have any credentials or are having trouble logging in, please contact the support team.
Upon successful login you will be presented with the capture in the full screen capture view.

Along the top of the capture view, you will see the graded severity score that has been assigned to the capture by the FMS team, the library category that the capture belongs to, the phrase that was captured and the unique ID number for the capture. Note that this is not the same ID as the event ID.
Scrolling down, you will see the Capture Detail section which includes important information such as, the username, computer name, and times that the capture was created and received by the server.

For more information on the full screen capture view, please see the following knowledge base article: Clicking the help button on this screen will also direct you this article.

From this view you are also able to Print or Export the capture or the event can be closed by clicking on the Close button.

Closing an event will move it from the Open view to the Closed view.
At the bottom of the page is the Notes section.

Notes can be added to each capture or to a user to track any actions that might have been taken when dealing with the capture.
To add a note to the capture, click on Capture Notes and then click on Add.

To add a note to the user account, click on User Notes and then click on Add.

Hub Events Overview
Clicking Back will take you to the overview screen.

This view will provide a tally of Open events that are assigned to you, All events that are assigned to you and Closed events that are assigned to you.
You can also view all other events under the All Events heading.

Clicking on the Open card will take you to your Open events.

You can also switch between Open, All or Closed events from the left side panel and different user groups can be viewed by using the Directory tree.
The following information will be presented on each event card.
Severity – the event card will be coloured to show the severity.
Subjects - The username of the user that created the capture.
Summary - Shows the Event ID number and that it was generated by an FMS alert.
Assigned To - Shows who the event is assigned to.
An event can be viewed by clicking on the card title.

Events can also be closed in this view by clicking on the event and then clicking the Close Event button.

Events can be Sorted by Severity, Date Created or Date Modified.

To see any closed events that are assigned to you, click on the grey Closed box to the far right or the Closed option on the left side of the console.

A closed event card will appear in grey, with a coloured line showing what the original graded severity was when it was opened.

In the above example, the closed event is a Very High (severity 5) alert.