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Viewing Users or Stations

Users and Stations can be accessed from the Settings panel by clicking on the Cog icon in the top right of the console.

Users and Stations can be viewed from the top level of the organisation by clicking All Users or All Stations.

Alternatively, these accounts can also be viewed from individual groups by expanding on the Directory tree on the left hand side and selecting the relevant group.


Filters and Sorting

Just like the captures view, Filters can be used to help find accounts that would be harder to find in a big list.


The Filters on a Station group also allow you to search for a specific client version.


The results can also be sorted in several different ways by selecting the desired option from the drop down menu.


The Ascending or Descending button will sort the results in ascending or descending formats.


The default sorting method is Last Login and Descending.

Users View

The Users view will display the following information:.


The username for the account, provided by the device in use.


The domain name provided by the device.

First Name

The first name for the account, usually provided by Active Directory but maybe blank.

Last Name

The last name for the account, usually provided by Active Directory but maybe blank.


The email address for the account, usually provided by Active Directory but maybe blank.

Last Active

The last time an account was active with the server. The client will contact the server every 15 minutes so this may not always be an exact time.

Stations View

The Stations view will display the following information:.

Station Name

The name of the computer provided by the device.

Domain Name

The domain name provided by the device.

External IP

The external or public IP address of the device.

Internal IP

The internal IP of the device.


The version of the Securus client running on the device.

Last Login

Same as in the Users view.

Last Active

Same as in the Users view.


There are several options within the User and Stations views to allow management of the accounts.image-20241216-135314.pngImage Removed

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The option buttons will light up when an account is highlighted by clicking on it.

View Captures

Will allow viewing of the captures from that account.


Allows the moving of the account to another group. See our article on Creating User Groups and Moving Users for more information.


Allows the user or station account to be edited.

A display name can be attached to either account to change how it looks in the user/station list for easier identification.

Station edit

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User edit



Will The export button will allow the exporting of all or just the selected accounts' information to a PDF or Excel format.

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