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Supervisor accounts can be created to allow designated users to login to the Securus console to view and manage captures.

To view supervisor accounts, start by navigating to the Settings view by clicking on the cog icon in top right corner of the console window.

Click on Supervisors.

A list of current supervisor accounts will be listed here. Existing accounts can be edited or removed and new ones created.

Create a Supervisor Account

To create a new account, click on the Add button.


Newly created accounts will be automatically assigned access to the level that they are created at.

Several options will now be available:

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  • Username

    • The login name for the new account. Special characters are not currently supported.

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

    • The email address for the account. This is not linked to email alerts but is necessary for the password reset form.

  • Mobile Number

    Name or Description

    Phone Numbers

    • This can be used to add a

      name or description to the number, for example,

      mobile or landline


      This will be used in an upcoming feature and is just for informational purposes currentlynumber to an account. SMS alerts are not currently enabled for self-service customers.

    • Click Add Another to add more numbers to the account.

  • Assign Access?

    • Selecting Yes will assign access at the same time and will also expand the next section. Access can be assigned to all OU’s by clicking the Select All button, or individual OU’s can be selected from the menu.

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    • Selecting No will allow you to assign access to a different group not give the new account any access rights. The account will not be able to log in as it has no access to an OU. Access can be assigned at a later time in this case.

  • Access Level

  • OU Select

    • Select which OU’s you would like to assign the supervisor account to.

    • Click Select All to assign the new supervisor to all OU’s or expand the tree and tick the boxes against the OU’s you want the account to have access to.

  • Add to Mailing List?

    • Advanced feature for assigning accounts to the Summary Report. This is considered an advanced feature and not recommend for standard use.

  • SSO Only

    • This will hide the Password fields and allow the new user to only login using Microsoft SSO. Note that your MS365 Administrator will need to allow access to the enterprise application on your tenancy before this will work.

  • Generate Password

    • This option will send a one time password to the user’s email address. The user will be asked to set a new password upon first successful login.

  • Set Password

    • This option will allow you to manually set a password for the new account.

    • Password Reset on Login

      • Selecting Yes will force the user to change their password on first login.

Fill out the details as desired and click Save to confirm. You will now see the new supervisor account in the list.

A supervisor can also change their own password by clicking on the User button in the top right and selecting Change Password.

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Access Roles

  • Manager

    • Full control over the system.

  • Monitor

    • Access to captures and can save, re-grade, delete and export/print captures. Monitor users can also view some of the settings within the Settings panel but cannot make any changes. Unable to view Supervisors or Supervisor access.

  • Reviewer

    • Has access to the normal captures view but cannot save, delete or re-grade captures. The reviewer roll can export and print captures and also has access to Web Logs in the Settings panel.

  • Technician

    • Can be assigned at the top level to allow an IT technician access to All Computers and Audit Logs within the Settings panel.

  • Managed

    • Only has access to captures provided by an email alert link.

      Supervisor Manager

    • This

      is a mini supervisor


      and has the ability to create new supervisor accounts only and assign access upto their own access level.
      • For example, a supervisor account with the Monitor and Supervisor Manager roles can only create and assign access for other Monitor accounts.

      This role

      is designed to be given in conjuction with any other of the above roles.

  • Admin Technician

    • This role can view all settings on the system but cannot make any changes. Can also delete computers from the All Station list.

Multiple access roles can be assigned to the same supervisor account after creation.

  • Add to Mailing List?

    • Advanced feature for assigning accounts to the Summary Report. Not recommended for daily use.

  • SSO Only

    • This will hide the Password fields and allow the new user to only login using Microsoft SSO.

  • Password and Confirm Password.

    • The typed password can be viewed by clicking the eye icon.

Fill out the details as desired and click Save to confirm. You will now see the new supervisor account in the list.

A supervisor can also change their own password by clicking on the User button in the top right and selecting Change Password.

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Mini Roles

Supervisor mini roles are add on roles that are designed to be used in conjuction with the main supervisor roles. To add a mini role to an existing account, go to Supervisors > Access and then add a new access policy for the desired user and role.

  • Supervisor Manager

    • This role has the ability to create new supervisor accounts only and assign access upto their own access level.

    • For example, a supervisor account with the Monitor and Supervisor Manager roles can only create and assign access for other Monitor accounts.

  • Regrader

    • This role can re-grade captures but cannot do anything else. This is designed to be used with the Reviewer role for cases where supervisors should be able to regrade captures where necessary.

Multiple access roles can be assigned to the same supervisor account after creation.

Manually Assign Access to a Supervisor Account

It may be necessary to give a supervisor account separate access rights to extra OU’s or user groups. For example, when you want to create a supervisor account but only want the account to access a Staff or Students group.

To do this, click on the level you wish to assign to and then click on the Supervisors button. Then click on Access.


Click Add.

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Select the account from the drop-down menu and then tick an access role, multiple roles can be selected at once.

Then select which OU’s the access level and click Add. Click Save to finish.

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You can add access for multiple users with the same role at onceaccount should be able to access.

Click Add to finalise and then click Save to finish.

A confirmation prompt will show if the change has been successful.


View Existing Access and Roles

It is possible to view all access levels and roles from a given OU and below. This is best used on the highest OU level.

Go to Supervisors > Access.

Click on Show Full Access.

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This will show all access levels from the OU level you are on and below.

The search function can be used to locate a specific user account or access level.

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Edit a Supervisor Account

To edit a supervisor account, first single click the account you wish to edit to highlight it. Then click on the Edit button.


The same options as shown previously will be available. Make your changes and click on Save to confirm.

Remove a Supervisor Account

To remove a supervisor account, first select the account you wish to delete and then click on the Delete button.

A confirmation box will appear, click Delete to confirm or Cancel to cancel the change.


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