Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Captures View should be used for the day to day management of capture data and will provide you with several views and filters to help you see the data you want.

New Captures View

To open the captures view, click on the camera icon in the top left of the console window.

This will take you to New Captures.

Captures in this view are yet to be actioned and new. Captures can be graded or managed by clicking on them to open the full screen view.

Please note that captures will stay in this un-managed state unless they are actioned by a supervisor. Actions include Delete, Save or Grade Capture.

Grid View is enabled by default, list view can be enabled by clicking on the List View button.

List view can also be re-enabled by clicking the List View button.

List view does not include the screenshot thumbnails for quicker viewing. Captures can be graded from here by clicking on the grade slider. The grade button will colour fill and an asterisk will show to indicate a graded capture. You can also select multiple captures and grade them this way.



The other capture view options are SavedDeletedGraded and AllAll will show every single capture in your group regardless of their actioned status. Navigation options can be found in the lower right hand corner of the screen, and the arrow keys can be used for faster navigation and captures can be graded using the number pad.

Capture Assets

The following information is shown on each grid view capture card:

  • Severity Score

    • The pre-defined severity score assigned to the phrase, on a scale from 1-5. 1 being lowest and 5 being the highest.

  • Source

    • Securus uses 8 captures sources, these are indicated by the following icons:

    • Keyboard

      • Generated by the keyboard buffer monitoring keystrokes when typing.

    • Application

      • Generated from the screen scanning engine from application and web browser sessions.

    • Blacklisted Application

      • A blacklisted application will generate a screenshot when that application is accessed.

    • Blacklisted Website

      • A blacklisted website will generate a screenshot when that website is accessed.

    • NET

      • A capture that has been generated by the Securus NET proxy.

    • Self-Capture

      • A new feature on the client side that allows a user to instantly generate a screenshot.

    • Chrome Keyboard

      • Generated from the keyboard buffer during a chrome browser session.

    • Chrome

      • Generated from the Chrome extension.

  • Phrase

    • The phrase that has been captured.

  • Category

    • The category that the phrase resides in.

  • Website

    • The website that the capture came from. These can be searched for within the filters to find all captures from a website.

  • Name

    • The username and domain name that was in use when the capture was created.

  • ID

    • The unique ID number of the screenshot, useful for quick reference. The ID number is not necessarily a sequential number.

  • Date Submitted

    • The date and time of the capture. This value is taken from the workstation at time of capture creation.

Full Screen Capture View

To view a capture in more detail, click once to select the capture and then click on the View Capture button.

This will open the capture in the full screen view for management and actioning.

Scroll down to view the Capture Detail.

Here you can see the user name, the phrase that was captured, the library that the phrase resides in, the time it was created, the time it was received by the server, the source that the capture was generated from, and the full website URL that the capture was made on.

Other useful information is shown including what application was in use when the capture was created, the client version number in use, the cumulative score for the user (a score for all of a users captures added together), and what action flags have been assigned to the capture showing if a capture has been ignored, archived or saved.

The Associative section will show you what other phrases have been captured on the screen, and from which categories they reside in.

Captures can be Saved and Deleted from here as well.

Saving a capture will hold it on the system for a further 180 days from the date of saving. We also recommend printing the capture to PDF so a local copy can be retained for future reference. Saved captures can be accessed from the Saved Captures view.

Deleting a capture will move it to the Deleted Captures view.


Please note, captures marked as deleted will not be deleted immediately and will be removed during the predefined retention cycle.

The retention period is set to 45 days by default and will remove ALL NON-SAVED capture data that falls outside of the retention period.

Saved captures are kept for 180 days from the date of saving.

Return to the previous page by clicking the Back button.

Captures can also be navigated using the keyboards left and right keys when in the full screen view and can also be graded  via via the numpad or the top row of number keys.

Capture Notes

Notes can be added to captures or users by scrolling to the bottom and clicking on Add. They can also be edited or deleted by highlighting the note and clicking Edit or Remove.


Enter the information in the Note text box and click on Save. The note will now be visible at the bottom of the page.

Notes can be edited or deleted by highlighting the note and clicking Edit or Remove.

Capture notes will only show on the capture it was created on and will be present if the capture is printed or exported.

A user note will show against the same user for all past and present captures.


The directory OU structure has now moved to the main captures view to avoid confusion and improve efficiency when viewing a specific groups capture data. This can now be found on the left hand side of the captures view.

To expand the Directory, click on the arrow to expand the list downwards.

From here, you can view captures from each group by selecting a group and using the different views. Filters can also be used to help manage the data.

You cannot view individual users or stations from here, that can be done in the Settings menu.

Severity Ratings

Library terms have a system assigned default severity level. This value is designed to give the reviewer an idea of likely importance and help prioritise the order of captures. The severity will range from 1-5 in ascending order of potential risk. It is possible to amend the severity assigned to terms within the Library options which can be found in the Directory view.

For advice on severity ratings, or what a term means, please contact the support team.

Grading Captures

Captures can be graded as a false positive, shown as FP in the Console, or re-assigned a severity score of 1 to 5.

Grading allows the user to change the assigned severity score for a given capture. A low severity term may seem innocuous until the screenshot and context has been analysed and discovered to prove intent. In this case, it can be marked with a higher severity and saved to be actioned. A capture can also be marked as a false positive (FP) in cases where the capture is reviewed and is indeed of an innocent context.

You must always save the capture should you need to retain it.

Captures can be graded from the Grid or List view or in the capture full screen view.

To grade a capture from the Grid or List view, simply click on the grade value you wish to assign on the capture card.

The grading bar will change to reflect which grade was selected.

The graded capture will be removed from the New Captures view into the Graded Captures view upon next refresh.

It is also possible to grade multiple captures at once by selecting more than one capture manually or pressing the Select All button on the left right hand side. Selecting a grade with several captures selected will assign that grade score to the selected captures. The page will automatically refresh allow you to continue onto the next page.

The same process can be followed to grade a capture within the full screen view.

Change History