Securus gives you the option to print out captures for information and paper files, it is important to remember a few points before a captures is printed, copied or emailed out of the Securus system.

When dealing with captures, be aware of what type of content is contained within in the capture.
If the capture involves:

Child abuse images (or perceived to be child abuse images)

  1. Do not print or copy the images out of the system.

  2. Do not email a copy of the image to ANYBODY.

  3. Do not show a child (any person under 18) the image or capture.

  4. Do not show the image on the system to anybody who does not need to be expose to the image.

  5. Ensure that the image/capture is saved in the ‘Saved Capture’ area, for review, if required by those responsible for dealing with the issue.

  6. Contact Securus and ask for advice.

  7. Any printing, emailing or copying of a child abuse image is an offence under UK law.

  8. A child abuse image or ‘indecent image of a child’ is an image of a sexual nature which depicts a child under the age of 18.

 Adult Pornography

  1. Do not print out or copy images out of the Securus system unless necessary.

If in doubt about a capture please contact Securus and seek advice.

Securus Mainline – +44 (0)330 124 1750